
20th July 2024

Back at sea

We slowly made our way further south, we had a film crew onboard for two days in Stavanger and spend two lovely days in skagervagen ( […]
15th July 2024

From high mountains into city Life

After our lovely and relaxing day on Alden, we made a long run of 60nm to Bergen. The sky was once again overcast and grey but […]
8th July 2024

Hiked the Highest Seacliff of Europe!

We made our way out of the fjords and back to the coast, mostly under engine as the wind is either right from behind or on […]
1st July 2024

Guppy dwarfed by mountains and waterfalls

From our snug anchorage in Honningdalsvagen we continued our journey to Geiranger through the fjords, slowly the mountains rose bigger and steeper, Guppy being completely dwarfed […]
28th June 2024

Faroe to Norway, Orca’s, Whales and deep Fjords

From Eidi we continue sailing to Fuglafjordur, another day sail which turned out a lot smoother than the last one. The steep and rugged cliffs pass […]
21st June 2024

Faroe Islands

We enjoyed two lovely days in Torshavn, on our hike we had seen a swimming pool, including a slide and even better a sauna. It was […]
15th June 2024

More wind, a Birthday, Waves and new places.

After Grutness Voe we continued to Lerwick, stopping overnight in another bay along the coast. It was windy, rainy and cold so we didn’t go ashore, […]
5th June 2024

Lots of wind, Risso’s dolphins and Puffin encounters

Sailing from Stornoway to Orkney and the Fair Isle. We arrived in Stornoway the may 29th and us teens spent the day exploring the town. Later […]
30th May 2024

The Misty Isle & Outer Hebrides

Sorry for the long blog, I should write more often, but we are all so busy! So much has already happened again! Time is flying by. […]
23rd May 2024

We Hiked up Ben Nevis! Highest mountain in Scotland.

Written by Ingrid (15yo) On Monday, May 20th, we began our big adventure to the top of Ben Nevis. Ben Nevis is the highest peak in all […]
18th May 2024

More Lochs and Castles and lots of rice.

We have been peacefully continuing our way on the Caledonian Canal, in fact, we have past the highest point and started our descent today. With 17 […]
16th May 2024

Sailing on Loch Ness

Just wauw we are on our second day through the Caledonian Canal and absolute loving it. We have done 4 locks so far and the teens […]
12th May 2024

Smooth Seas and Sailing to Inverness

We had a lovely crossing from the Netherlands to Inverness, a journey of 450nm which took us a little less than 4 days. The first day […]
10th May 2024

Aurora Borealis on route to Inverness

Last night, while on route to Inverness, the sky put on a fantastic show for us! We gently glided along a smooth sea as The northern […]
8th May 2024

Lets go sailing!

We are officially underway again! So far we have had light winds and calm seas, perfect conditions to get everyone used to the manoeuvres, sails and […]
3rd May 2024

Start of a new adventure

After 6 months of day and night work with lots of maintenance and upgrades done to Guppy, we just can’t wait to get out on the […]
16th August 2023

Last day of Summer Sailing Camp 2023

We finished the last day of our summer sailing camp with some dancing, 💃 mid IJsselmeer swim 🏊‍♀️ and of course handing over the well earned […]
15th August 2023

Helgoland – Kornwederzand

Time flies when you’re having fun 🤩 we are already going into our last night of the summer sailing camp 2023. After a beautiful trip back […]
14th August 2023

Vlieland – Helgoland

Vlieland to Helgoland. 120nm overnight sail. We had a really lovely sail. Lots of shooting stars and a friendly sea ( which is unusual for the […]
12th August 2023

Texel – Vlieland

Another early start as we want to catch the right tide, going over the north sea to Vlieland today. There is not much wind and it’s […]
12th August 2023

Den Oever – Texel

We sailed from Den Oever to Texel, the tide is running out early today so we get up at 6am and leave the dock at 7am. […]
8th August 2023

Summer Sailing 2023

Awesome first day of our summer sailing camp 2023 🙂
14th July 2023

Guppy at the Westfriese waterweken

Come visit us at the westfriese waterweken – Medemblik. 14, 15 & 16th of July. @ Oosterhaven medemblik. Lots of fun activities for the kids, and […]
17th June 2023

How time flies!

6 months have flown by so fast, it’s hard to believe that the Atlantic Roundtrip 2022/2023 has already come to and end! We had a lovely […]
8th June 2023

Happy Birthday Alex

Woohoo Dutch coast in sight – and that means we are close, as the Dutch coast is so low you basically have to be on top […]
6th June 2023

Last days at sea for the Atlantic trip 22/23

On and on we go without much change of the weather, since we are in the channel getting to the right places at the right time […]
4th June 2023

A nightly visitor.

We’ve crossed the bay of biscay and have now entered the English Channel. We were unlucky and had current against us as we rounded ( or […]
2nd June 2023


We are on our way again, crossing the bay of biscay. A piece of water that is notorious for crappy weather. It’s certainly not bad weather […]
28th May 2023

Pictures Azores – Baiona

Some pics of our last trip – Azores – Baiona. We had everything from no wind to 35kn on the nose. A good voyage for the […]
26th May 2023

Carrot cake & Stars again

On thursday the wind dropped considerably, luckily so did the waves and we actually had a lovely day sailing (still the wrong way but we’re not […]
24th May 2023

From the realm of salt, waves and wind

I would like to say sailing upwind is fun, but it isn’t really – well I don’t think so. There are these descriptions of sailing which […]
22nd May 2023

Golden sunrise

We had a lovely Sunday, which started with a beautiful golden sunrise. The sun rose like a big ball of fire above the horizon. The few […]
20th May 2023

Going with the wind

The beautiful thing about sailing is that you can use the wind to go anywhere in the world, that of course is also the downside. You […]
18th May 2023

Dock paintings and Misty Walks

We had a great time exploring the Azores. Hiking around the caldera, eating at a vegan restaurant that only uses homegrown food and of course going […]
11th May 2023

Sharks, Whales and Baby Dolphins!

Well, the rain is gone, but so is the wind. Of course it’s well known that there is often a high around the Azores, but not […]
9th May 2023

Applecake and Drizzle

Luckily we didn’t flap and roll around for too long, the waves started to smooth out pretty soon, but with the waves, the wind left as […]
7th May 2023

Dolphins and waves

Yesterday we sailed along very nicely, the wind got less and the waves smaller, by now the waves have been getting a lot smaller but not […]
5th May 2023

Halfway with wind, waves and lightning

On Thursday the wind and waves started to pick up, as we expected they would. For the next day a low pressure system would move over […]
3rd May 2023

Sailing with the Man o’ war

So far the weather has been amazing, great winds and mostly blue skies. Yesterday there was a lot of low cloud all the way around us, […]
1st May 2023

Bye Bye Bermuda – Hello Ocean

After a couple of beautiful and fun days in Bermuda it’s time for our crossing to the Azores. We had waited for a little front to […]
25th April 2023

Whales and Dolphins welcome us into Bermuda :)

Our last day to Bermuda the wind dropped to 0, we enjoyed a mirror like sea that was only broken by a slight swell. A bird […]
24th April 2023

It’s getting colder

Most of the Saturday was very cloudy and rainy, but towards the night it started to clear up a bit and we only had light and […]
22nd April 2023

Why couldn’t the pirates play cards?

We enjoyed another one and a half days of beautiful sailing, playing games and reading outside, bright stars at night and quiet sunny days. We even […]
20th April 2023

Whales and Big Fish

So far we have been sailing along beautifully – the wind has been perfect and the sea calm, a perfect start to our 860nm crossing to […]
23rd March 2023

Going on an adventure

A spot on trip 4 of the Atlantic Roundtrip 21/22 has become available.Have you always dreamed of sailing into the sunset on your way to exploring […]
7th March 2023

The Green Flash

A look at the weather forecast is telling us it’s time to leave Martinique and start heading to St.Martin. A very unusual weather pattern is forming […]
17th February 2023

Guppy in the Carribean

Guppy and her young crew have arrived in the blue Caribbean waters after a lovely trip from Suriname. A bit choppy on the first day and […]
12th February 2023

Down the river

We waited for the tide to turn and help us flush down the river and out to sea – a good 30nm from Marina Resort Waterland. […]
11th February 2023

Waking up to howlers monkeys, and other jungle adventures.

After an amazing stay in Suriname, it’s already time to point Guppy’s nose out to sea again. Thank you so much Marina Resort Waterland for your […]
6th February 2023

Welcome to the Jungle

Another successful Atlantic crossing has brought us into the jungles of Suriname, where pink river dolphins greeted us and howler monkeys howl at night. The crossing […]
3rd February 2023

The In’s and Outs of Squalls

The past two days, we have been sailing in and out of squalls. After our first big rain shower, the rain didn’t stop. It rained for […]
1st February 2023

Massive Jumping Tunas

The squalls have finally closed in on us, giving us some good rain, mostly towards the end of the day after dinner. It also causes the […]
30th January 2023

Sunday, Pizza night

It feels like the trade winds have found us again, blowing away some of the heat, although the air is still humid. More importantly, the wind is […]
28th January 2023

We are moving again :)

The wind is still minimal, but we have re-hoisted the sails and are moving forward again under wind power :). Most of yesterday we floated around […]
27th January 2023


The wind has left us alone, the sea has in places turned into a mirror. The sun, standing in a blue, cloudless, .unmoving sky, casts its […]
24th January 2023

Into the endless blue

The days seem to go by faster and faster now that everyone has gotten into a good sailing rhythm and are able to enjoy life at […]
22nd January 2023

Dolphin greetings and fresh Mahi Mahi for dinner

The waves have decided to calm themselves down a bit, which has made life onboard a lot more comfortable, as we are now mostly just gently […]
20th January 2023

Underwater Stars

The start of our Atlantic Crossing has been a little bit rolly, but we have made good progress, and it’s sunny and pleasant. In the past 24 […]
16th January 2023

Sao Nicolau Island Tour

Sao Nicolau is a beautifully diverse and very different island from Sal. It has a mountainous landscape, big valleys, and cliffs. Tarrafal, the place where we anchored, […]
15th January 2023

Visiting the Cape Verde

I always love visiting the Cape Verde, the first stop outside of Europe with a distictively different culture and way of life. We arrived on the […]
7th January 2023

Dolphin Performance

Yesterday, we were surprised by a large group (at least 30) of crazy jumping dolphins! They came over to Guppy and performed some beautiful tricks and […]
5th January 2023

Tradewinds sailing

780nm to the Cape Verde. The weather is looking great for a change and we are all very grateful after all the strange weather patterns we […]
23rd December 2022

Calm Seas and Blue Skies

After our first bumpy and rainy day at sea the weather got considerably better. we have been enjoying clear blue skies, lots of sunshine and colorful […]
21st December 2022

A Taste of real sailing

The weather this year is interesting, instead of the normal steady northerlies along the Portugese coast it seems to be steady southerlies. Which is where we […]
16th December 2022

Dolphins,tacking, jibing – trip one is underway 💪🏻

Trip one of the Atlantic Roundtrip 22/23 has started 🙂 we had a lovely sail from Setubal to Cultara which is a very cute fisherman’s town […]
8th December 2022

Havørn meeting with Guppy at sea

Havørn under full sail, sailing alongside Guppy. Havørn is a modern replica of a Norwegian Fishcutter and was build entirely from scratch by my dad. 20 […]
28th November 2022

Guppy back at sea

After months of hard work, changing a bowsprit, replacing our old teak deck and thousands of other little things it’s time for Guppy and us to […]
10th October 2022

Brand new Treadmaster on deck =D

Yay! Finished putting tread-master on our lower deck. We are now getting into final preparations before heading south again to pick up a new group of […]
16th September 2022

Upcoming Voyages

12th August 2022

Guppy at Waterweken Medemblik

Meet and greet with Guppy and her crew at the #westfriesewaterweken Medemblik.12th – 14th of August Guppy will be moored in the Oosterhaven.
11th August 2022

Night sailing to Helgoland

From Terschelling we set sail to Vlieland, a short sail and lovely sail of 2 hours. The harbour is very full but the harbour master still […]
4th August 2022

A new group of Guppies – and new sailing adventures :)

The rain is ticking on deck – I always love the sound of rain on deck and sitting comfortably below.  It’s steamy inside and busy with […]
2nd June 2022

Europe Trip 2022

New Adventures are awaiting This summer we will do another 10 day Europe Trip for kids between 8 & 12 years old – Packed full of […]
23rd May 2022

Atlantic Roundtrip 21/22 offical end – New trips on the agenda =D

After 6 months of sailing and more then 10,000nm Guppy gets a little rest. All of our students made their way back home over the past […]
10th May 2022

Arrival into Medemblik and Ceremony

Wow what a beautiful arrival and ceremony we had and amazing memories made again on this years voyage. Thank you for everyone who made this possible, […]
8th May 2022

Can’t believe our second Atlantic Roundtrip is almost over already!

The last week of our second Atlantic Roundtrip already! We have arrived in the Netherlands and are making our way to Medemblik through Amsterdam over the […]
8th May 2022

Happy Mothers Day

Just went into my cabin after a long day sailing and found this – being a mommy is the biggest gift I’ve been given and I […]
2nd May 2022

Where birds are reflected in the water

After a good night of sleep we get up around 7 am to leave Cherbourg with the outgoing tide. It’s another cold day, but for a […]
30th April 2022

Cold water and long warm showers

By the morning of the 29th, we have land in sight! The North-Eastern wind is cold on our faces, making our noses run as we look […]
28th April 2022

Visit from a Swallow

Sander didn’t end up getting any sun for his birthday, but we did have a very yummy cake and pancakes for dinner =DAnd also a little […]
26th April 2022

Happy Birthday, Sander =D

We enjoyed another beautiful day of sailing on Monday – good winds, sun, and low waves – it really doesn’t get much better than that. Dolphins […]
24th April 2022

Calm seas & dolphins tales

By Friday night the winds already started to decrease and the waves slowly followed suit, making for quite a pleasant night with good speeds. But as […]
22nd April 2022

Bye-bye land of the whales and green hills

We are back at sea again and on our way to the English channel. Yesterday was a beautiful day as we sailed past some of the […]
18th April 2022

Visiting a race boat & hiking on Faial.

12th April 2022

Arrival into the Azores

Our last two days at sea were much friendlier and calmer, the waves and wind finally decided to calm down a bit and we enjoyed a […]
10th April 2022

dumping wave roulette

The weather has slowly been getting friendlier and even though the waves are still high they are slowly getting longer and turning into swell. The sun […]
8th April 2022

halfway chocolate cake with ice cream celebration :)

Yesterday we passed our halfway mark, which means we’re actually getting closer to land again. To celebrate this milestone we made a delicious chocolate cake with […]
6th April 2022

On top of the world

Our days have continued to alternate between beautiful sunny days and rain – although today the rain is just small squalls and even blue patches and […]
4th April 2022

The wind can’t make up its mind and a rain flattened sea

So far our days have been alternating between dry, sunny, and lovely or lots and lots of rain. We had a lovely quiet day yesterday with […]
3rd April 2022

From the perfect blue to 50 shades of grey.

We’ve left the crystal clear blue waters of Bermuda and are now officially on our way back to Europe with the Azores as our next stop. […]
1st April 2022

Crystal Caves

We’ve made the most of our visit to Bermuda, We visited the crystal caves which are very old and absolutely stunning! We toured the island by […]
28th March 2022

Bermuda Arrival

Yesterday evening as we were enjoying our pasta casserole dinner in the cockpit the sky on the horizon turned steadily darker and the cockpit became gradually […]
26th March 2022

Bermuda here we come

The wind has continued to be kind to us. It slowly turned to downwind and by now we have gybed. Sailing wing on wing with the […]
24th March 2022

Fast sailing, 204nm in 24hours!

We have set off again, heading north this time – away from the Caribbean islands and back into the Atlantic Ocean.We’re heading for Bermuda, keeping a […]
22nd March 2022

Fast minicat sailing and Capsizing in Carribean water

After a few days of preparation for our next ocean crossing like rigging check, groceries, stowing things away, paperwork…. – Today we’ve been enjoying sailing our […]
18th March 2022

Fort Shirley / Cabrits National Park

We love Dominica. visited Fort Shirley and it’s surroundings, also known as Cabrits national park ( because the sailors imported goats here to have good meat […]
11th March 2022

Indian River & creating animals of Palm Leaves

Dominica wouldn’t be so lush and green if it wouldn’t rain so much, luckily for us tho it seems to rain most in the mornings which […]
9th March 2022

Into the rainforest of Dominica

We’ve been exploring the wonders of Dominica – last time I was here is already 12 years ago but the hospitality of the lovely people here […]
2nd March 2022

The Baths – big boulder adventure in the BVI

While the teens work on their schoolwork in the mornings we get Guppy ready to leave for new islands and places to explore in the BVI. […]
2nd March 2022

Cave exploring & snorkeling

Snorkelling in caves and exploring lots of new islands – some even completely uninhabited! P We’re sailing in the British Virgin Islands