Scotland/Norway 2024

3rd May 2024

Start of a new adventure

After 6 months of day and night work with lots of maintenance and upgrades done to Guppy, we just can’t wait to get out on the […]
8th May 2024

Lets go sailing!

We are officially underway again! So far we have had light winds and calm seas, perfect conditions to get everyone used to the manoeuvres, sails and […]
10th May 2024

Aurora Borealis on route to Inverness

Last night, while on route to Inverness, the sky put on a fantastic show for us! We gently glided along a smooth sea as The northern […]
12th May 2024

Smooth Seas and Sailing to Inverness

We had a lovely crossing from the Netherlands to Inverness, a journey of 450nm which took us a little less than 4 days. The first day […]
16th May 2024

Sailing on Loch Ness

Just wauw we are on our second day through the Caledonian Canal and absolute loving it. We have done 4 locks so far and the teens […]
18th May 2024

More Lochs and Castles and lots of rice.

We have been peacefully continuing our way on the Caledonian Canal, in fact, we have past the highest point and started our descent today. With 17 […]
23rd May 2024

We Hiked up Ben Nevis! Highest mountain in Scotland.

Written by Ingrid (15yo) On Monday, May 20th, we began our big adventure to the top of Ben Nevis. Ben Nevis is the highest peak in all […]
30th May 2024

The Misty Isle & Outer Hebrides

Sorry for the long blog, I should write more often, but we are all so busy! So much has already happened again! Time is flying by. […]
5th June 2024

Lots of wind, Risso’s dolphins and Puffin encounters

Sailing from Stornoway to Orkney and the Fair Isle. We arrived in Stornoway the may 29th and us teens spent the day exploring the town. Later […]