Scotland and Norway 2025


When:   1st of May 2025 to the 26th of July 2025

Age: 12 - 16

up to 10 teens

All nationalities are welcome, onboard language is English although crew also speaks German and Dutch

2000 Nautical Miles - 3 months, full of adventure, friendships, new cultures and sailing. -

This journey will take you from flat fields and grazing cows of the Netherlands to the beautiful east coast of Scotland, with its castles, iconic islands and towns such as Inverness and Fort William. The Caledonian Channel will take us right through Scotland's highlands and inner beauty. Once we are through the channel we hop along the cliffs and rugged coast of west Scotland, heading to the Orkneys and Shetland islands. Another two days sailing away is the volcanic archipelago of the Faroe Islands. Get ready for vast cliffs soaring vertically upward, hundreds of feet above the sea. Puffins, whales and eagles abound. It is beautiful and inspiring here and unlike anywhere else you will ever see. From the Faroe Islands we make the 400nm passage to Norway. Ending up along the stunning Fjords and slowly making our way south visiting small Norwegian towns, learning about it’s rich history and soaking in the rugged landscape.

When you sail with us you join our live-aboard family of 4 ( Laura, Sander, Tim and Alex -

more info on us can be found under crew

Become part of our ever-growing Guppy Family. Together with the rest of the group, you will be taking care of the cooking, cleaning, navigation, night watches, sailing and trip planning. We like to do everything together and involve everyone in all aspects of the trips.

Price: NZD $17.600 (approx EUR €9.980) includes food, drink, clearance fees, excursions, clothing pack and sailing gear - excludes flights and or travel costs from/to the ship.  

For more information on the programs and voyages we make send us an e-mail.


Education Goals 

  • Build self confidence
  • Respect for others, realise everyone is different and that's ok.
  • Experiencing the need for teamwork and a good work ethic
  • A sense of community
  • Learn how to use modern technology in a sensible way, as a helpful tool rather than a necessity.
  • Developing problem solving and leadership skills
  • Take responsibility for your own actions and decisions
  • Developing social and life skills
  • Learn about our environment and how to take care of it.
  • Learning sailing and navigation skills
  • Encouragement to lifelong learning
  • Experience the pleasure of simplicity ( how less can be more)
  • How to achieve your own dreams & goals.