

What others say about us

  • Summer Sailing 2024 Parent
    The experience was transformative for her—she returned home more confident, independent, and culturally aware, having worked alongside peers from around the world. The friendships she formed and the life skills she gained have had a lasting impact on her growth.
    Summer Sailing 2024 Parent
  • Parent Scotland/Norway 2024
    He was mega enthusiastic about his stay on the Guppy. He told me on the way back at least 15 times that this experience was incredible.
    Parent Scotland/Norway 2024
  • Traveller on Havørn Caribbean Voyage
    It was a very special time for me that I enjoyed very much.
    Traveller on Havørn Caribbean Voyage
  • Traveller on sv Havørn - caribbean voyage
    Thank you again for the wonderful trip, the islands, the nature the relaxed way of life of the people. And of course the journey itself with your ship I will surely remember for a long time.
    Traveller on sv Havørn - caribbean voyage
  • Traveller on sv Havørn - caribbean voyage
    Nochmals ein Dankeschön für deine freundschaftliche und hilfsbereite Art wie du uns begleitet und geduldig alle Fragen beantwortet hast.
    Traveller on sv Havørn - caribbean voyage
  • Parent - Full Atlantic Trip 21/22
    ‘‘The trip for her truly was eye-opening and we are so happy she did it with you. It was a battle for her to make it happen and we are so proud she persevered and then had the time of her life! We also wanted to thank you personally for all you and Sander did for her throughout the time with you - it’s clear you really care and you’ve made a big impact on the young girl and the women she is becoming.’’
    Parent - Full Atlantic Trip 21/22
  • Student Atlantic Trip 21/22
    ‘‘The past six months were amazing. I learnt so much about sailing but also about myself. This really changed my life and my personality a lot. Thank you so much for that. I can't even describe how grateful I am for the time that I got to spend with you.’’
    Student Atlantic Trip 21/22
  • Parent - Atlantic Trip 21/22
    ‘‘Thank you, Laura & Sander! You gave so much to Kiley, and we will forever appreciate the opportunities you made possible.’’
    Parent - Atlantic Trip 21/22
  • Student Atlantic Trip 21/22
    ‘‘It was an incredible experience, The six months went past so fast. Guppy felt like home after the second week - it was awesome to be with you!’’
    Student Atlantic Trip 21/22
  • Student Atlantic Trip 21/22
    ‘‘Words cannot describe the experiences I had on this trip, and how much being on Guppy has impacted me. i already crave being out on the ocean again.’’
    Student Atlantic Trip 21/22
  • Student Atlantic Trip 20/21
    ‘‘In the end I went on that flight and looking back it was the best decision I could have made. Even though I didn't talk to you much about everything that had happened, I always felt like I could come to you at any point and you'd be there for me’’
    Student Atlantic Trip 20/21
  • Student 20/21 Atlantic Trip
    ''You thought me so much about sailing and life. you showed me such amazing places, showed me that you don't need a lot of things to be happy''
    Student 20/21 Atlantic Trip
  • Parent Atlantic Trip 21/22
    ‘‘The kids have had such a special time with you all, really it will be remembered and talked about for the rest of their lives! I’m not sure you realise the incredible impact you, Sander and Tim have on those that are lucky enough to become your friends.  (God, I’m choking up right now!) We will miss you all! ’’
    Parent Atlantic Trip 21/22
  • Atlantic 21/22 - Trip 1
    Dear Laura, we just embraced Lars, after arriving safely at Schiphol airport! He is SO glad, happy, healthy-looking & full of beloved memories of extraordinary experiences made on board of Guppy and with you all! We are so grateful for all the opportunities, Organization & experiences you and Sander made possible for the kids!! A real „life-changer“ for Lars. Definitely a zoomed out perspective on new horizons! He enjoyed the time with you so much. And we (especially me) followed you & Guppy 24/7 the last weeks … checking grib-data and Guppy‘s progress day and night  - and alway happy with what we saw! Laura, you & Sander of course made an incredible and really GREAT job!! With experiences & positively deep impressions on Lars!
    Atlantic 21/22 - Trip 1
  • Parent trip 1 20/21
    ‘‘The adventures of my daughter Annabelle two years ago on Guppy, made us decide to repeat the Atlantic Roundtrip on our own keel. That's how awesome these adventures can be! Fair winds for Guppy and her great crew!’’
    Parent trip 1 20/21
  • ‘‘Hey Laura! I’ve just been at your presentation about your world trip in Mönchengladbach , and I really want to thank you so much for it! I’m 17 years old and to see someone who is fighting for her dreams and all the findings and experiences you made about being a human, respecting nature, our luxury to live in that world were really inspiring! Again, thank you for passing and spreading all of these information to us!’’
  • Steve Lowman
    ‘‘A beautiful idea and a great project. If anyone can make this work, it is Laura. She more than deserves the support and sponsorship, and so do all the youngsters whose lives will be so amazingly enhanced by this formative experience.’’
    Steve Lowman
  • Michelle Kelly
    ‘‘This is the greatest idea ever!!! I never had the chance to sail a ship even though it's been my dream forever. (I grew up on the prairies). I feel a little left out, ’’
    Michelle Kelly

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