
11th August 2010


Pity Too bad that we had to turn off the guestbook on my website because annoying people were writing weird things. I am doing really well […]
10th August 2010

yeah dolfins

“Joepie” dolphins! August 9, 2010 What a great day today! We still have had nice weather and I saw dolphins, and a whale which was really […]
8th August 2010

Beautiful weather

Finally nice weather We are moving ahead and are now crossing into the Bay of Biscay. Finally the weather is nice and there is sunshine with […]
7th August 2010

Radio cd player defect

Hello everybody, everything is going well except for the radio that unfortunately broke down, and Guppy looks more like a submarine than a sailboat for all […]
6th August 2010

Media Error

6-8-2010Error in the media.Some media are reporting that my sailboat was built by Peter Klarenbeek, that is not exact.Peter and my father worked on my 33 […]
6th August 2010

On route to Portugal

After all the fuss and attention of departure day, we are finally en route to Portugal. During this trip my father is with me so that […]
2nd August 2010

Final preperations

We are still on a roll checking out everything. And I have cleaned the whole boat ( tools still layed around everywhere from their last use […]
31st July 2010

Date of departure – 4th of August

It’s so great that I can oficially set sail and that will be on Wednesday, August 4 at 9:00 AM. Finally I sail away at sea, […]
29th July 2010

Wohoo! I’m allowed to set sail

Hello everybody, I have some great news, most of you will already have seen or read about it in the media. I got the official permission […]
25th July 2010

Upcoming court case

25 July 2010 For the past few days we were extremely busy working on the boat. It´snormal with boats that work will never be finished completely. […]
16th July 2010

Safety and Survival course

The solar-panel frame is mounted! It fits on “Guppy” really well and it makes for a very nice cockpit. Now we can finish installing the windvane. […]
11th July 2010

New Rigging

In the past days we were very busy replacing the rigging of the masts. I climbed up and down so often that now I know each […]
10th July 2010

Court transcripts untrue!

After waiting for half a year we finally received the transcripts from thehearings of October and December after our lawyer tried over and overagain to get […]
22nd June 2010

Fishing Nets & new props.

Today “Guppy” was lifted out of the water to replace the locked three blade propeller of the auxilliary engine with a two bladed one. And of […]
20th June 2010

The lawsuit

The lawsuit. There were again three judges and two secretaries necessary for the hearing about my case. It seems that it is very difficult to get […]
15th June 2010

Solo test sail to England

Last weekend I sailed solo to England with “Guppy”. On Friday at noon, directly after school, I sailed to the Roompot-lock and set course to England. […]
14th June 2010

Best Wishes to Abby

Of course I followed the news about Abby and I´m feeling for her. Shealready had a major setback due to the broken autopilot and now herboat […]
6th June 2010

Main Engine installed

The main-engine is installed!! Last Monday a brand new Volvo engine of 40 hp was lifted on board of my “Guppy” and Thursday we did the […]
27th May 2010

First Aid course & lots of sailing

On Friday I was at Knevel & van den Brink [talkshow]. This was an extraordinary experience. Again something else. But I much prefer sailing alone. I […]
15th May 2010

Congratulations to Jessica Watson

I am happily working on my boat, Now it finally starts looking good especially while we get a bit of sunshine as well. The halyards have […]
8th May 2010

First Sail!

Yesterday I made a lovely sailing trip. Guppy sails fantastic. She is really fast! It is a petty I can’t take her to sea yet. She […]
4th May 2010

Dinghy and Outboard testing :)

Sunday my boat was launched and of course baptized. The weather was very bad, lots of wind and rain, but still some people apparently did not […]
30th April 2010

Sunday my yacht will be launched!!

Sunday my yacht will be launched!! Finally she will go into the water. The Guppy, specially designed for me, is fixed to the boat, as well […]
25th April 2010

Antifoul, skeg and finished painting

This weekend a lot has happened. We have put a black stripe on the cabin and stripes on the waterline. I did the antifouling my self […]
18th April 2010

Lots of Paperwork..

Finally calm weather. We finished to paint the hull. Only the stripes and the Guppy still to be attached. Also the deck has been painted completely […]
10th April 2010

Waiting for court decisions & doing boatwork.

Our appeal has been finished again. Now it is waiting for the decision of the Court. I would love it when this supervision is finished and […]
1st April 2010

First coats of Red are on!

The first layers of paint are on her hull. The yacht is screaming red. All the other boats I had before, except my Optimist, were white, […]
24th March 2010

Boat Delivery, dropped my phone in the ijselmeer..

This weekend I had to do a boat delivery, which I do more often. This time to Friesland in the north of the Netherlands. Unfortunately on […]
17th March 2010

New Sails & Rudder for Guppy

It is getting warmer! Yesterday, we ordered the paint for Guppy. At these times it is not so nice to have a big yacht because you […]
12th March 2010


Ik ga mijn weblog maar eens bijhouden, nu er weer wat gebeurd. Ik heb gemerkt dat ik nog steeds niet uit het nieuws verdwenen ben. Sta […]
27th February 2010

Een nieuwe boot

In het vorige nieuws schreef ik dat ik op zoek ben naar een nieuwe boot.Ik kan nu met zeer veel vreugde melden datik een andere bootgekregen […]
25th August 2009

Hallo Allemaal

Hallo allemaal, Via dit weblog vertel ik je alles over mijn avonturen. Ik moet wel eerst nog even wachten op de uitspraak van de rechter eind […]