25 July 2010
For the past few days we were extremely busy working on the boat. It´s
normal with boats that work will never be finished completely. But now we are
working on the very last things to prepare “Guppy” for her and of course my
great journey.
The new sails, including a beautiful colored half-winder, are in place. Maybe
you already guessed it: the half-winder is mostly red. I also have a sun
canopy which will be very important when in the tropics. Even with the
present weather it´s nice to find some shadow.
On Tuesday there will be another ruling by the Court. I´m curious and I also
have some hope this time. In the opinion of Jeugdzorg I did my very best to
meet all the conditions set up by the Court and I did everything well.
Jeugdzorg asked the Court for cancelling the supervision over me
But the Kinderbescherming holds that for mental reasons I won´t be able to
survive my journey. This is so odd because in the past year I had to take a
psychological examination which came to the conclusion that I am able to
survive. I´m one year older now but no longer able to survive? They asked for
an extension of the supervision for another 12 months of time anyway. If the
judges are a tiny bit objective they will cancel the supervision. But during the
past year I experienced so much that I wouldn´t be surprised if they came up
with something new again. I know, this may sound a little strange.
If everything works out I will be able to start on my voyage and sail to Portugal
within the next two weeks. And to continue sailing from there.
I´m looking forward to it!!
[NT: in the Netherlands the Youth Welfare Department is divided into two
independent organisations. Stichting Bureau Jeugdzorg, Youth welfare, and
Raad voor de Kinderbescherming, Council for childprotection]