The solar-panel frame is mounted! It fits on “Guppy” really well and
it makes for a very nice cockpit. Now we can finish installing the
windvane. The solar-panels are already in place and connected.
For the past two days I was busy completing a course in survival
skills at Falck Nutec in the Maasvlakte whic is part of the industrial
area of the city of Rotterdam. In a special swimmingpool where it is
possible to simulate waves, wind and rain I was trained in handling
a life raft. I also practiced with a number of emergency signals,
smoke signals and hand flares for example. After that I learned
how to put out some fires.
I was also taught some additional skills in first aid; things like
giving yourself an injection and how to suture wounds.
At the end of the course I was allowed to join another group for a
freefall-lifeboats exercise that they gave there at the same time.
Although it is not necessary for my journey this experience was
really nice.
Today was my last day at school and I picked up my school report.
After that I put the new seats and bunks cushions into my boat.
The covers of those cushions were a little old-fashioned but now
they are of a beautiful red color. Before you ask: Yes, red is my
favourite color. That´s the reason why my boat and now the
cushions are red. And I really find it great!
Now that it is the summerbreak I can spent my whole days with
“Guppy” and I´m really eager for starting on my voyage.