I would like to say sailing upwind is fun, but it isn’t really – well I don’t think so. There are these descriptions of sailing which say: Sailing: Slowest way to go nowhere, while ripping bills of 100,- apart under cold salt water showers.
Ah well, usually I don’t agree but I guess we’re pretty close now. It’s quite wet, and bumpy and even though we are making progress it’s not really the direction we had hoped to get to. But then again I guess this is also the part of sailing were you learn to keep going, to stay positive, to really stick together like a team and that part is absolutely true. We have an awesome young Guppy crew, who are still laughing and making jokes while being tossed around the Galley. Sem told me yesterday, this is great: ”We have an inside slide on the floor, a water slide outside, a personal aquarium with dolphins every day and other awesome sea creatures, Free showers all the time, and extra salt added to your dinner without effort. Sounds pretty good right 🙂