We’ve crossed the bay of biscay and have now entered the English Channel. We were unlucky and had current against us as we rounded ( or rather wanted to round) Ile d’ Ouessant so we had a nice long look at it as our speed was not so great 😉 now the tide has turned and we’re making good headway again along the French coast. Still rather bumpy and splashy but with blue sky and sunshine nonetheless. Last night we were visited by a pigeon who made him, or herself comfortable in a corner of the cockpit and spend the night there before getting back to land sometime before lunch. Leaving a whole bunch of poop as a reminder of the visit. It’s not the first time this journey we’ve been visited by pigeons, along the Portugese coast we had two pigeons stay onboard for almost the whole day.. not the kind of bird I normally encounter out at sea. Maybe they like red?