By Friday night the winds already started to decrease and the waves slowly followed suit, making for quite a pleasant night with good speeds. But as morning came the winds dropped more and the speeds got less, the waves did as well though so we actually had a nice peaceful day with some sun to warm us up and dry us out. On several occasions, during the day little groups of dolphins came to say hello, playing in front of Guppy’s bow and showing us their jumps. We even spotted a humpback whale cruising by, well actually he seemed to have a goal as he was swimming fairly fast, staying on the surface which I haven’t seen often before. Usually, they just swim by slowly and don’t stay at the surface very long. It was cool to watch though as we could still see his spouts for quite a while. The night brought a bit of rain, but also some steadier winds for while, until early morning when it dropped again. Once the rain cleared at night we spotted one of Elon Musks’ Sattelite trains – one with 58 satellites! Such a strange sight in the starry sky that I know so well… After a bit of a rolly night with shifty winds we got another lovely sunny day though with just short occasional rain showers – a perfect day for the Sunday cleaning day 🙂