
23rd June 2012

The weather certainly isn’t as peaceful as last year!

Last night, a lot of squalls came over us. The rain poured all night,at times with as much as 30 knots of wind coming from every […]
25th June 2012

130nm left to Hiva Oa

The wind has totally dropped down over the last day so we’re runningthe engine, as expected. We still have 130 miles to go. And just likeevery […]
26th June 2012

It’s so good to be back!

We arrived in Hiva Oa after I don’t know how many days at sea, since Ididn’t count them. We went to the little town and I […]
28th June 2012

Some Island explorations I didn’t get to do last year

After a year away, seeing the island of Hiva Oa appear on the horizonwas magical for me. It felt just like I had never left. And […]
30th June 2012

Moved to a more quiet bay.

We decided to leave Hiva Oa and go a few miles further to Tahuatu, aslife was getting pretty uncomfortable with the big swell coming intothe bay. […]
2nd July 2012

Soaking in the peacefulness of Tahuatu

We’ve moved over to another bay, still on the same island, but twobays further. There is a little town and the people are very laid backand […]
5th July 2012

Set sail to Rangiroa

We had a good time with our sailing friends and enjoyed celebratingthe birthday. We are full with delicious fresh fruit, and so isGuppy, as we stocked […]
6th July 2012

Reefs, fog and rain

Guppy is making good progress but the weather is not very nice. It hasbeen rainy and drizzling since just after we left, and with it havecome […]
8th July 2012

Sailing in between Reefs!

Today we finally got “normal” weather: sun, clear skies, and goodwinds. It looks like we are going to arrive in Rangiroa sometimeduring the night, so I […]