Atlantic Trip 22/23

17th February 2023

Guppy in the Carribean

Guppy and her young crew have arrived in the blue Caribbean waters after a lovely trip from Suriname. A bit choppy on the first day and […]
7th March 2023

The Green Flash

A look at the weather forecast is telling us it’s time to leave Martinique and start heading to St.Martin. A very unusual weather pattern is forming […]
23rd March 2023

Going on an adventure

A spot on trip 4 of the Atlantic Roundtrip 21/22 has become available.Have you always dreamed of sailing into the sunset on your way to exploring […]
20th April 2023

Whales and Big Fish

So far we have been sailing along beautifully – the wind has been perfect and the sea calm, a perfect start to our 860nm crossing to […]
22nd April 2023

Why couldn’t the pirates play cards?

We enjoyed another one and a half days of beautiful sailing, playing games and reading outside, bright stars at night and quiet sunny days. We even […]
24th April 2023

It’s getting colder

Most of the Saturday was very cloudy and rainy, but towards the night it started to clear up a bit and we only had light and […]
25th April 2023

Whales and Dolphins welcome us into Bermuda :)

Our last day to Bermuda the wind dropped to 0, we enjoyed a mirror like sea that was only broken by a slight swell. A bird […]
1st May 2023

Bye Bye Bermuda – Hello Ocean

After a couple of beautiful and fun days in Bermuda it’s time for our crossing to the Azores. We had waited for a little front to […]
3rd May 2023

Sailing with the Man o’ war

So far the weather has been amazing, great winds and mostly blue skies. Yesterday there was a lot of low cloud all the way around us, […]