Laura Dekker

10th January 2012

I think we made it out of the Doldrums

The gusty and heavy squall that brought 40 knots winds and pouring rain finally dissolved with the night. Today the wind has settled to a nice […]
9th January 2012

Wild Water, Pooring rain and Dancing Dolphins

To a windless night with squalls followed another cloudy day with even more squalls. And the rain has not stopped all afternoon. Even after I had […]
8th January 2012

Going through the doldrums

Today was overcast with squalls bringing rain and wonderfully refreshing showers to me, at first… But the squalls intensified and the showers turned to strong, heavy […]
7th January 2012

Back in the Northern Hemisphere

Guppy and I have crossed the equator again so we have now left the southern hemisphere and jumped from summer to winter in the northern hemisphere […]
6th January 2012

A bit of Dolphin company

Like on the previous two nights my nocturnal visitors have kept at whistling their songs from their favorite stage, the solar panels of the Targa frame. […]
5th January 2012

Singing birds and Flying Fish

Yesterday’s dark clouds only brought some rain and once they finished raining they just hung around not bothering me. The wind eased again but it is […]
4th January 2012

Loud tjilping birds!

As expected the wind is still blowing straight from behind, but it decreased in strength a little. Happily it still is enough to keep us going […]
3rd January 2012

Over halfway

Waves behave nicer now and the wind is blowing from behind so Guppy still keeps rolling back and forth. Yet the wind is pulling at 15 […]
2nd January 2012

Making good progress

The wind and the waves have become a bit too enthusiastic and are making my life aboard less comfortable… But the great weather and our good […]