Laura Dekker

21st February 2011

Media and Naysayers.

I am feeling completely well again. The bump on my head is a lot smaller and my back is fine. Today I went biking but it […]
18th February 2011

Car accident

I have found out that it is safer being at sea than being on land.Tuesday, I went biking along with my grandparents and some friends. However […]
14th February 2011


HISWA Most of you will already have read it in the media. I will be back in the Netherlands for the HISWA [ HISWA Amsterdam Boat […]
13th February 2011

Writing a book

For the past three days, I have been working hard on my book about my journey with someone from the Netherlands, who has provided a bit […]
10th February 2011

New Friends & flamingos

After the press conference on Tuesday, some press people came over too late for me, well too bad. But now I have some peace and quiet […]
8th February 2011

Spring clean :)

Now I am at berth again for some time. Well, after passing the Panama Canal it will be a change from being ashore a long time […]
5th February 2011

Arrived in Bonaire

Today I have been admonishing Guppy all day long not to go so fast because I wanted to enter port in daylight. Since all that did […]
4th February 2011

Ravioli, everywhere ( except in the pan)

Really going forward, Guppy is superfast. Since I left Dominica there has not even fallen a single drop of rain, the clouds have stayed in Dominica […]
3rd February 2011

Bird poo, everywhere!

Since yesterday evening, I have better winds and I am going at a speed of 6,5 knots (ca. 12 kilometres per hour). Also yesterday in the […]