After a lovely time on Porto Santo, it is time to move on, there has been a bit of a strange weather pattern creating southerly winds which is uncommon in this area, but now there is a little gap with light northwester-lies turning to Northeaster-lies. It’s about 280nm to Lanzarote. Around two days in these winds. We depart just after lunch and raise all Guppy’s sails, it’s still a little choppy around the islands with some currents and confused waves but once we get well out onto open sea it calms down and we enjoy a very lovely and quiet sail down, Just a few squalls lingering around messing with our wind but also making for beautiful cloud formations and sights while the sun peaks through. As we arrive in Lanzarote the weather has turned and the sun makes place for clouds and rain, a great time to catch up on schoolwork, watch a movie, play games and make music 🙂 Tomorrow we are expecting the sun back and then we’re off to explore the beautiful and very fascinating island of Lanzarote.