The trade winds have really kicked in now and Guppy is peacefully rolling her way west. About 800nm to go. On dek, Annabelle and Sista are busy learning how to play the guitar while others read in the cockpit and work on their schoolwork. The nights are becoming more clear again so we can watch the stars and the moonrise which is beautiful at night. Guppy’s spinnaker track car is still in one piece, even after some gusts of over 25knots last night, so we’re more confident now that it will continue to hold. Except for one bird and lots of seaweed we haven’t encountered anything – no sea life nor ships but not a lot of trash either. Which is good, although we did see a lot of trash washed up on the beaches in the Cape Verde. Trash that wasn’t from there but had obviously travelled thousands of miles. Sadly it’s often not about the trash that is visible but the micro plastics that float beneath the surface and become the daily diet of many sea creatures.. On the bright side, with the nice weather we have been able to take out the sextant again and I teach our young crew a bit more about old school navigation. I hope it gives them some more appreciation of the modern gps and google maps, which only takes seconds instead of hours and lots of calculating to know where you are. But I continue to find it fun and fascinating to find my way across the world using the sun and stars only. 🙂