As the evening nears Annika and Florian make a yummy meal which consistes out of cabbage, carrot, onion, potatoes, and smoked sausage and went down really well and their effort was much appreciated by everyone. The sea is a bit rough although of course sailing a little more upwind always feels more spectacular 😉 Definitely, a change from most of the downwind sailing we have been doing lately. However, apart from a few squalls at night, the weather has been really lovely. It’s still warm and the skies are clear. This morning, dolphins accompanied Guppy into the new day as the sun colored the sky orange. By now everyone is into the rhythm and over the initial days of seasickness. So far Guppy has made good progress, not strait towards the Azores though. haha. We have first to head north to get some westerly’s before being able to head east.