141 entries.
Hi Laura,
I just finished reading your book about sailing around the world and have become truely inspired to begin sailing. Thank you so much!
Ik ben je nu pas gaan volgen (Sorry😞) op Facebook en op YouTube (geabonneerd)
Wat ongelofelijk wat z;"n grietje allemaal allemaal alleen kan doen 🤦♂️
Het ga je goed! En veel plezier met alles wat je nog gaat mee makken...
It's been a while since I've watched the documentary. I just read the note in the bio about it so maybe we keep in touch on that as I have an idea. Meanwhile I hope you will find the founds for the new Guppy. I'm sad about the old one. Same as I am about the boat I had and ended up badly as well after many promises from the new owners. Too bad I'm not rich to help you financially. Right now I'm also struggling to save money and get another boat and return where I belong.... on water. I'm really happy I found the website along with the YouTube channel and Facebook. Every time I was searching something all I could find were videos and stuff from other people posting about you. So I'll stay close and follow along with what's new. Sending hugs and best wishes from the middle of Transylvania.... for now. I'll get back with postcards when I'll be back on the ocean.
Dear Laur,
I just watched your film Maidentrip.
I am very impressed with your spirit, determination and bravery.
Wishing you all the best in your project and with your family.
It is so nice to learn about your foundation. I am so impressed with Laura's accomplishments and her desire to continue to be an example and an inspiration to others. I am very sorry about your experience with the sailing non-profit that ruined your boat and did not take responsibility.
I wish you all the best with your efforts and look forward to following the activities of the World Sailing Foundation
Larry Williams,
Chino Hills California
congratulations, one question How big is your ship and Type .?
Thanks ,Ruud
Hi Laura,
I had to drop a note, just watched MaidenTrip about you and was so very impressed. What a treat it was to watch and share in your time. As a U.S. Navy vet the scenes at sea brought so so much memories back to me, Thank you for that. I miss the sea and what it's like being out away from everything.
Keep sailing and good luck to you and your family.
In summer 2010 I heard the first time about Laura Dekker and her solocircumnavigation in the media and thought: “Tough girl, cool project.” – In August 2011 I started continuously following Lauras blogs and life. Therefore I can state, she is not only a tough sailor, but also a very diligent, circumspect and responsible skipper. One can entrust her young people for education by adventures on the high seas and also on land. – Best to All! Georg
Dear Laura,
End 2018 I sailed across the Atlantic myself. It was one of my dreams and indeed realising it felt super special.
I finally had the time to read your book, which I bought long time ago as a signal of respect for your incredible achievement. With my own experience at the ocean, I admire your top performance even more; take for example your approach of Cape Town - wow!
I also would like to compliment you for your cheerful writing style and optimistic attitude and your lessons of life.
You are an inspiration for freedom and personal initiative, exactly what this world needs. Also your father deserves compliments for his faith in you and his unconditional support.
Wishing you a great voyage in the rest of your life!
Sven Kramer
Dear Laura, having read the recent report about you in the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, some thoughts: Yes, it is hard to realize to have entrusted in inhonest, stupid people. It´s hard to have lost Guppy, because she was your comrade in sails; and because of the financial loss. Otherwise, we enjoy sometimes to be positively surprised by people. “By their fruit you will recognize them.” Mans live: White sheets, dark sheets. Frankly written, maybe … maybe we should be relieved, “only” a ship is lost. (OK, a very special ship.) But not a person. “Only” your private wealth is reduced, but not of the Foundation. – Sometimes we wish back our childhood or youth. But even we are at the place of our birth, they never will come back! What really remains, are the people, we shared our young life with, our parents, siblings, friends, neighbours, teachers, … Dear Majesty of the Seven Seas, best to you and your crew! Georg
Viel Erfolg beim neuen Projekt. Kaum jemand hat so sehr wie Sie bewiesen, dass fast nichts unerreichbar ist.
Liebe Grüße
Dear Laura,
Your idea remind me of White Squall from 1996. Where We Go One, We Go All.
Knowing your Power of Persuasion I just know you will achieve this sooner than you think.
I wish all the succes!!
Days of work are days of hope. Days of work make days of glory! Dear Laura, great interview at DAS. (Esp. also, because the interviewer was good prepared.) - Very belatedly congratulation on taking command over the nonprofit organisation named after you. You and your crew are a pack of lucky dogs, so much sailing and professional skills uniting.- I hold it for a great thing, to be sponsored by the Deutsche Bank. - Best success to you all! Georg
Happy 2019! I hope the new ship will be fully functioning within a few years, hope you add a mini cat,!
Hi Laura, Happy 2019!!!
Dear Laura and crew, in your business plan you point out, building a new ship would cause, seen over some years, lower costs than renovating and adapting an old one to your needs. This absolutely makes sense to me: Constructing and building a new chemical plant for the production of a new developed product in most cases is much more economic than reanimating old equipment resp. junk. – Best success to you all! Georg
Dear Laura, I wish you a merry Christmas and a successful, happy New Year for you, your crew and all your allies all over the world! Georg
Hoi Laura, Hartelijk Gefeliciteerd met je nieuwe website!!! Groetjes Adrie
I just supported Laura Dekker's idea / project. If you want to read an inspiring story, read her book about her trip around the world as a teenager with guppy her sailing boat. It makes a perfect Xmas gift and It is just amazing what she did. Her idea to bring this spirit to other kids is a great idea. We need more people caring, fearless and pushing boundaries like Laura and this is is why i am happy and trust Laura to make this an great success
A landlubber in Goslar (Lower Saxony, Germany) is impressed (since some years) and wish you full success. - I enjoy to stroll through your website. - Whether I will make it to Düsseldorf, is uncertain. Georg