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140 entries.
Georg wrote on 21st September 2022 at 3:21 pm
Dear Laura, all the best to your birthday (yesterday)! Always enjoy to follow your blogs and your life, because of many reasons, esp. because you love life. The very best to you, your family and all persons, important in your life! Georg
Rob Mollee wrote on 20th September 2022 at 10:01 pm
Dag Laura, gefeliciteerd met je 27e verjaardag! Bekeek vanavond toevallig je website omdat ik informatie zocht over je Scorpio 72 (dank voor de rondleiding!) en vond bij toeval dat je vandaag jarig bent, Ik heb je ook (bijna van dag tot dag) gevolgd toen je op je 14e je solotour rond de wereld deed en toen hebben we meen ik zelfs emails gewisseld. Lang geleden! Geweldig goed idee van je foundation. Goed werk dat de wereld beter maakt.. Veel succes op je tochten! Ik blijf je volgen! Gr, Rob
Alexander Seghers wrote on 11th September 2022 at 12:35 pm
Ahoi! More sailboats and sailors is what this world urgently needs. Greetings from Tarifa! Fair Winds to you all. Alexander
Mark Smith wrote on 28th August 2022 at 4:34 pm
Greetings from Marbella!! Just wanted to wish you all well. And say a big thank you for helping me out in the past re my Trinidad. And a big thank you for all you do. I am back from Greece for now and missing my own boat already. Wishing you all the best fair winds! Mark.
mathis reichel wrote on 25th August 2022 at 7:47 pm
Hi Laura, I received the books, thanks a lot, and good winds! Mathis
Georg wrote on 31st July 2022 at 11:21 pm
Oh, dear Laura and Sander, I ´m very excited about the good news of your familiy. Always fortunate and happy sailing in a foursome! Georg
Glen Capps wrote on 24th May 2022 at 12:35 am
Happy travels! What a beautiful life ⛵
Glen Capps wrote on 24th May 2022 at 12:34 am
Hello from Machiasport Maine! What a beautiful life⛵
Georg wrote on 17th May 2022 at 10:58 pm
Dear Laura, tomorow, 18.05.2022, is the “International Day of Women in Maritime” by the IMO. Hope, you can enjoy it! (LOL) Georg
Franklin Crone wrote on 17th February 2022 at 10:40 pm
We saw you in Lanzarote. So happy things are going well for you and your crew.
Georg wrote on 22nd December 2021 at 3:57 pm
Dear Laura, Sander and Tim, I wish you and your crew a merry Christmas with love and peace all around and a joyful and healthy new year 2022. Seems, you are half way to the Caribbean. Thanks for your blogs. ... And asked, what I´m doing with my life, among other things, I will proudly confess: “I am a fan of Laura Dekker!” Georg
Arno wrote on 22nd November 2021 at 12:45 pm
Ik ben ook bezig mijn vertrek uit Nederland te plannen. De regering bouwt stap voor stap aan de invoering van een dictatuur: iedereen wordt gecontroleerd en moet gehoorzamen. Jij hebt dit al als eerste ervaren, maar nu is de rest van Nederland aan de beurt. Als je protesteert, heet je een relschopper. Als je nadenkt en "vaccinaties" weigert, ben je asociaal en wordt je uitgestoten. Tijd om te vertrekken nu het nog kan!
Georg wrote on 17th November 2021 at 3:12 am
Aha, on the high seas again! Wish you fair winds, smooth waves. The stars, the sun, the moon, some birds, ... All hands on deck. Enjoy your lives! Georg
Nico wrote on 15th November 2021 at 8:37 pm
Hi Laura, we briefly met this afternoon in Cascais, shortly before you departed on your trip round the Atlantic. I wish you and all those on board a happy time on board, fair winds and following seas. If ever I can do something to help you with your Foundation and work you do, just let me know. You can find my profile on LinkedIn. Nico van Wijk, Lisbon.
Adrie Mol wrote on 20th September 2021 at 3:29 pm
Hoi Laura, Hartelijk Gefeliciteerd met je 26ste Verjaardag!!! Groetjes van Adrie
Gregor Schmitz wrote on 20th September 2021 at 5:35 am
Dear Laura, Best wishes for your Birthday. Have a nice day. Best regards Gregor
Georg wrote on 19th September 2021 at 6:27 pm
Dear Laura, the very best wishes to your birthday. I don´t know, whether you are emancipated. But over the years, I strongly have gained the impression, you are self-determined. Always may be by your and your families side the people you meet, the forces of nature, the Gods and the saints. (And also, if necessary, the imps and the wraiths.) – By the way, the tour on the Havorn was very interesting. And what you told about your childhood, touched my heart. – With love, Georg
Peter bastian wrote on 6th September 2021 at 9:15 am
Hi I enjoyed learning about your life. thanks Laura From Denmark
Annika Kerkhofs wrote on 10th June 2021 at 12:03 pm
Jouw boek (en die van je oma) zijn super inspirerend. Op een dag vertrek ik ook… eerst nog wat beter leren zeilen. Ook een dikke bravo voor het tonen van de wereld aan de jeugd. Je doet dat goed!
shawn slobe wrote on 7th June 2021 at 3:55 am
I enjoyed learning about your life. Thank you Laura.