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136 entries.
Mathis Reichel wrote on 4th May 2021 at 6:13 pm
Liebe Laura, vielen Dank für das Buch und Deine netten Worte! Ich freue mich auf die Lektüre. Meine Pläne bleiben dieselben, ich beginne mit dem Hochseeschein, habe auf Dein Anraten hin "find-a-crew" abonniert, doch noch nichts konkretisiert. 2024 ist ja noch weit weg. Oder auch nicht... Falls sich in Deiner Umgebung ein Kanal öffnet, der für meine Pläne nützlich wäre, zögere bitte nicht, mir den Kontakt weiterzugeben. Ich wünsche Dir mit Deinen Aktivitäten viel Glück weiterhin! Herzlich, Mathis
Greg Ross wrote on 2nd April 2021 at 5:49 pm
Hi Laura, I have just watched your DVD for the second time, about your circumnavigation in 2012. I was awed that you sailed a 40-foot boat by yourself, so young, that's a big boat for one person of any age, let alone the young teen that you were then. Do you live in NZ now or did you return to live in Holland? I lived in NZ for 25 years and now, since 1986, live in Canada on an island on the west coast where the sailing is great. I have plenty of Dutch friends here and in NZ. I return to NZ each year to hike in the mountains there, and hike plenty here in Canada, as hiking/camping is my passion( but I almost gave it up for sailing when I owned a 20-foot sloop here for a few years.). I am thinking of buying a boat and sailing to NZ because covid has wrecked the airline industry so badly. What lies at the bottom of the ocean and shakes and shakes? A nervous wreck. Sorry, that's not an image that a sailor wants to think about. I hope you sail safely and continue your free spirit and adventurous life style. But, remember that as you get older, your reflexes slow down, your balance becomes not so sharp, and your memory dulls. Keep reminding yourself of all this once you reach your 50s. All the best wishes to you.
Rolf Schumacher wrote on 28th March 2021 at 12:20 am
I followed Laura's circumnavigation and now I saw a new video on YouTube about the Foundation. Great idea. Dear Laura, I wish you all the best and all times fair winds.
Adrie Mol wrote on 10th March 2021 at 9:51 am
Hoi Laura, erg leuk dat er nu foto's boven de Blog items staan, nu kunnen websitebezoekers een bepaald item ook gemakkelijker terugvinden. Groetjes van Adrie
Guillermo wrote on 8th March 2021 at 8:02 pm
Im sending my regards on women s day and my compliments for your trip around the world.. Im sending this message from Argentina. Be happy
Vadim Smilansky wrote on 22nd February 2021 at 8:42 pm
I just realized that my boat is a Jinn Fizz 37" - the same as your "Guppy" and if you could do solo circumnavigation on it then I could too. you are a very inspiring and great example to youngsters. Keep to reach your dreams and dream even bigger. You always welcome to visit if you will be in Israel. meanwhile you can visit my boat virtually - I am a professional Google streetview photographer so I created a virtual tour for my boat. Good luck with your new Guppy XL
Mark Maguire wrote on 2nd February 2021 at 8:00 pm
Hello! Yesterday I watched the documentary about your around-the-world trip. I recall hearing about it at the time, but I didn't know details. It was so great to learn all about it. I admire you very much. . Just coincidentally a few months ago I finished a book "Sailing Alone Around the World" a memoir by Joshua Slocum. Like you, he rebuilt a derelict wooden sailboat, named it "The Spray", and during the years 1893-1894 he sailed around the world alone. The two of you are great adventurers! I'm going to follow your blog. My best to you. -Mark
Rob Lohman wrote on 6th January 2021 at 1:42 pm
Lieve Laura! Een unieke prestatie hebben Sander en jij, samen met je vader Dick in het treurige coronajaar 2020 geleverd. De aankoop van de Scorpio 72 en het tijdig vaarklaar krijgen ervan voor de eerste grote reis van je World Sailing Program is het meest tastbare bewijs van je talent en doorzettingsvermogen Laura. Dat belooft veel voor de toekomst! Aan de zijlijn kijk ik met stijgende verbazing toe en zou je graag een handje helpen waar nodig. Ik wens jullie beiden een voorspoedig 2021 en hoop jullie in april behouden terug te zien in Harlingen.
Gerard Woerdenbach wrote on 26th December 2020 at 12:33 am
Voor jullie alle aan boord fijne feestdagen.
Tom Tirabasso wrote on 23rd December 2020 at 10:12 am
Hi Laura, I am new to your adventures as I only watched your movie (twice) a few days ago. But I am in awe with what you are now doing with your life! You are very inspiring and I will follow along with your trip. Have a great time! Tom from Chicago
Rob Bor wrote on 22nd December 2020 at 8:13 am
Dag Laura, Voor mij ben je een prachtige vrouw met een uniek leven, unieke prestaties en een warm hart. Ik denk dat je veel kan betekenen voor jongeren in de knel. Je kan ze leren om onafhankelijk te denken, te volharden en verantwoordelijkheid te nemen voor de eigen keuzes. Een levensweg te leven in vrijheid die het leven kan bieden. Ik wens jou gezegende feestdagen en een voorspoedige voortzetting van je reis. Rob Bor, 72 jaar.
Georg wrote on 21st December 2020 at 5:00 am
Hi, Guppy-Crew, wish you all a merry Christmas, free of storms and a happy New Year, reaching many exciting, safe coasts! – Dear Laura and Sander, let me take this opportunity to state, I´m delighted you have found each other. We don´t know, what future will bring. But Tim surely will never complain about a boring childhood poor in experiences. (Of the recent photos, those showing the little waterspirit touch my heart the most.) - Laura, I´m very happy, to know you on the high seas again. - Always fair winds! Georg
Sevecaa wrote on 12th December 2020 at 12:00 am
Hello my Hero! Happy to find you are out on journey-You lead a very exciting life-Wish you well. Hope you have a Super GREAT Christmas and New Year. The first snow of the season has just began to fall here in Southern Oregon so I'm starting to feel the seasons. 🙂 LQQK forward to when our paths cross again. Peace and Love - Sevecaa@America
Frank Sangers wrote on 22nd November 2020 at 6:37 pm
Wat een fantastisch initiatief! Ben ook blij dat je weer terug bent in NL en je hiervandaan vertrekt voor een unieke reis voor iedereen aan boord. We mogen trots zijn op je, Laura! Allemaal goede vaart, keep safe and healthy!
Mathis Reichel wrote on 15th November 2020 at 4:59 pm
Hi Laura! may I write in german? well, I don´t expect the answer... let´s try it in englisch. I read that you work with children. Have you also an offer for older guys like me? I´m soon 70 and have to move for 1 year to another place before moving back to the old place. Now, instead of moving I was thinking about another way of spending the free year 2024. Sailing is on the top of my options. I´m not a sailor, but I love to sail... I spent hollidays on the mediterranean See between Mallorca an aegean see and 2018 I crossed the atlantic from Teneriffa to St.Martin/Caribbean, so I sailed about 6000nm. I have only the swiss D-licence for lakes, but until then I would make the ocean-license. Now I´m checking my possibilities. For me everything is still open between local trips and a "törn" around the world. The internet is full of skippers wich are looking for passengers. But I start with the best one! May I ask you for informations, addresses, recommendations a.s.o.? Kind regards, Mathis (
Lucy Smith wrote on 15th November 2020 at 7:46 am
Hi Laura, I just finished reading your book about sailing around the world and have become truely inspired to begin sailing. Thank you so much! Lucy
Rudolf de Lang wrote on 12th August 2020 at 3:59 pm
Ik ben je nu pas gaan volgen (Sorry😞) op Facebook en op YouTube (geabonneerd) Wat ongelofelijk wat z;"n grietje allemaal allemaal alleen kan doen 🤦‍♂️ Het ga je goed! En veel plezier met alles wat je nog gaat mee makken...
Ciprian I. Popica wrote on 21st June 2020 at 3:33 pm
It's been a while since I've watched the documentary. I just read the note in the bio about it so maybe we keep in touch on that as I have an idea. Meanwhile I hope you will find the founds for the new Guppy. I'm sad about the old one. Same as I am about the boat I had and ended up badly as well after many promises from the new owners. Too bad I'm not rich to help you financially. Right now I'm also struggling to save money and get another boat and return where I belong.... on water. I'm really happy I found the website along with the YouTube channel and Facebook. Every time I was searching something all I could find were videos and stuff from other people posting about you. So I'll stay close and follow along with what's new. Sending hugs and best wishes from the middle of Transylvania.... for now. I'll get back with postcards when I'll be back on the ocean.
Jonathan Thornton wrote on 23rd May 2020 at 9:05 pm
Dear Laur, I just watched your film Maidentrip. I am very impressed with your spirit, determination and bravery. Wishing you all the best in your project and with your family. Jonathan
Lawrence Williams wrote on 21st May 2020 at 1:06 am
It is so nice to learn about your foundation. I am so impressed with Laura's accomplishments and her desire to continue to be an example and an inspiration to others. I am very sorry about your experience with the sailing non-profit that ruined your boat and did not take responsibility. I wish you all the best with your efforts and look forward to following the activities of the World Sailing Foundation Larry Williams, Chino Hills California