The squalls continue to pester us as can be seen by our track which became ever more interesting with the changing wind directions and speeds. It becomes a night full of sail changes indeed and ended with a continuous drizzle. The morning was still very cloudy but the sun managed to peek through long enough to give us a short but very stunning sunrise. Coloring the whole sea in an orange/red glow. The wind had been dropping gradually and the sea became smoother which I think is better for fishing 😉 Because that afternoon I heard loud chanting from outside as Sander hauled in a huge Mahi Mahi. Enough for everyone who wanted to have a nice piece of fish for dinner. That night the wind slowly returned and the clouds disappeared which meant we had an amazing night sky to look at while Guppy gently glided along doing 7kn, no one really wanted to go down below and we all ended up staying in the cockpit playing games and telling stories for quite a while. Today I haven’t been able to spot a single cloud and a steady northerly wind is pushing into Guppy’s sails set wing to wing or Donkey Ears as Cristina calls it (the Spanish term 😉 Cristina is playing the Ukulele in the aft of the cockpit while others are working on school or reading a book outside enjoying this change in weather. We have 260nm to go, so Cape Verde is getting close, but with this weather, we could just all go on forever =D