To start with I want to thank each and everyone of you who wished me a happy birthday on the telephone, or by SMS and e-mails or who have written in my guestbooks on the web or sent birthday cards to me. I really had a great anniversary day, what with the cake and Guppy all decorated with balloons, I enjoyed it all. I am in town now just standing in line at the customs office with my passport and my boat papers, waiting to fill in all the paperwork. My planned time of departure? Hmm… tomorrow… Estimated time of arrival? I have no idea… In the line next to me a man is also waiting to clear customs, he is heading for Indonesia. He proudly tells me that it will be his first long distance crossing. He asks me for how long I have been on my trip. Well…A little more than a year is my answer. He then asks, all the way here from Holland? Yes, I answer… After a moment he then asks me my age. I am 15, I proudly tell him, but I immediately correct myself – I am 16. I still have to get used to it… My father is now on the plane back to Holland… The water and diesel fuel tanks are full and I am all set to go. One more night here and then I will leave Darwin behind me. The time just flew by. I met so many kind people and also I was very surprised to learn that sailing is a regular subject in schools over here… I would like to thank the Darwin Sailing Club and especially David very much for all that they did for me. I will surely miss everyone and my time here. Well… that goes with sailing around the world and I have to accept that it does. But for now I still have many miles to sail that will bring me to my next beautiful destination. I would like to tell you about it, but sadly I really can’t..