On Wednesday Florian got inspired by the cold weather to make a very traditional Dutch winter soup consisting of peas, onions, carrot, and some other healthy stuff. Because of the peas, the soup has a very green color, so most of our young crew immediately decided it must be bad… But in fact, it was very good and since they were hungry, the soup got eaten in no time! Yesterday there was very little wind, we motor sailed through the day and we enjoyed the warmth of the sun, who has finally decided to come out and keep Guppy company again. We listen to music and play games in the cockpit. To compensate for the green soup, the team in charge of cooking today decided to make a pizza for everyone. A lot of work as it’s completely homemade – but super yummy. To finish this sunny and quiet day we watched a movie together while the setting sun was throwing its own spectacle in the sky with many different colors, while Guppy steadily is plowing through the blue water. Not really going in the right direction but at least we are getting further north =p