Hello everybody, everything is going well except for the radio that
unfortunately broke down, and Guppy looks more like a submarine than a
sailboat for all the water coming over boards.
It´s remarkable how much garbage from pollution there is on our route and
how many old pieces of fishing nets there are and that we have to check for
as I learnt during my last trip to England.
We are sailing under main sail with the engine running too. We are heading
SW 249 degrees at a speed of 5,9 knots with winds from the SW at 4-5 on the
Beaufort scale.
The weather is not perfect with much rain and it´s especially cold at night. The
current temperature is 18 degrees Celsius (64 degrees Fahrenheit).
We have already traveled 387 nautical miles and we are right in the middle of
the English Channel between Plymouth in England and Saint-Pol-de-Léon in