The wind continues to pick up, Guppy is flying now, regularly seeing 11-12knots on the GPS. We’re also lucky to have the current with us while passing Ile d’Ouessant and also the channel islands, so we continue to make great progress. Guppy has even set a new 24hr record of 193nm! We have less than 400nm to go until the end of this amazing Atlantic Roundtrip. After having sailed 10.300nm already it feels like absolutely nothing, we’re just around the corner. But of course, we need to stay alert and on top of everything. I think it’s a mistake often made when close to home or in familiar waters to lose concentration. So I tell my crew about how important it is to remain our routine to stay alert – especially in these waters which are the most difficult to navigate through on our whole journey. We continue sailing fast until past Calais. But then the wind drops and we motor past the coast of Belgium and Holland. It’s very strange to think that soon the group of teens which by now feel like our family will go their own ways again. Each of them has gone through their own hardships, shared amazing adventures and they will take home many memories and also some friendships which I think will last for a lifetime. Slowly everyone starts to pack their things, all with double feelings. Happy and excited to see their families and friends soon but sad that this great adventure will be over soon. And not just them, we will miss them too. I also learned a lot from them and I am thankful for each wonderful person I got to meet and support through a little part of their lives.