During the early hours of another amazingly clear warm night we start to see a few lights on the horizon and as we get closer the first sand hill. We slow Guppy down a bit more in order to arrive with first daylight as there are many unlit buoys in the anchorage. Not much seems to have changed since I came here last time except that they build a new breakwater and the anchorage (just like every anchorage so far) seems to be more crowded. At 8am we make landfall and together with Babs and Mike I walk with good hope to the police station which appears to be still closed. We wander through town while the teens search for wifi on there phones… Some buildings appear to have wifi but nothing accessible 😉 Finally the police station opens, but we are told to go back to the boat and wait until the “health officers” come, even though I show him our negative test papers. So we wait on board, a few hours later a boat appears beside Guppy which tells us to go to a certain location in the vilage to test our Temperature and check the forms of our negative check. All is in order, so now we can go to get our passports stamped, but of course it’s siesta now and the police station is closed… While we wander further through town we get to know a local tour guide, who because of covid, is out of work. We make a good deal with him; We get to see something of the island and he gets to feed his family – but we need to leave now for the tour, so while some of us run back to customs and the others to the boat to get some things. Meanwhile he organises a van and 45min. later we are all ready for a new adventure, first stop; lemon sharks that swim very close to the island and can be seen while Walking on a shallow reef. This island is very barren, only a few scrubs and trees can be found but between that its empty sand land. But beauty can be found as our guide shows us. We walk up between red coloured rocks to amazing views over the island and look into an old crater now filled by a salt plain. It’s late afternoon as we get back to Guppy, exhausted but amazed from all the new experiences. Satisfied while eating a watermelon in the shade of the cockpit, we talk about everything we have seen so far and of course wondering what adventures are still awaiting them.
see pictures; https://www.facebook.com/lauradekkercalloftheocean