We had a pretty slow night, only doing 100 miles in the last 24 hours.The depression seems to be slowly falling apart so it looks like wewont be dealing with much of it at all. Last night I heard an enormoussound like it was pouring rain or something, so I ran outside anddiscovered we were sailing through a huge field of floating rocks,ranging from really small to football-size! So of course for most ofthe night I was outside staring at this strange phenomenon. I’d neverseen floating rocks like this before. They are really light! I fisheda few out of the water and stared at them for about an hour in totalamazement. Now Guppy is on the move again doing 6 knots in a good 15to 20 knot north wind that is slowly turning west. There are nofloating rocks around anymore but I kept a few onboard to hold on tothe memory of this strange experience. The wind is still picking up,the waves keep getting bigger, and it’s almost starting to look likethe northern hemisphere–cold, grey, and windy. Who says sailing isboring…