At the moment, we are doing a good 7 knots and the clouds have takentheir darkness elsewhere, leaving us with a beautiful blue sky and awarm sun :). It’s a perfect 18 degree day. And Guppy is getting greatwinds. Just 790 miles to go! The Kermadec Islands lie about 240 milesin front of us. I am making sure I stay away from them, as I don’twant to be too close when the SW depression comes up. So yeah, we aremoving along pretty well and I hope I can run out the depression abit. I checked the weathernet from New Zealand today, and it lookslike if we keep it moving, we may be able to escape the worst of it.But the wind is supposed to drop down before the depression, so Iguess we will see. At least for now we are moving pretty well. Andit’s still fantastic out here.