Yesterday I went over the island with the crew from the other Dutch yachts. This island is really beautiful, incredibly green. We walked past waterfalls and I slaughtered a coconut. I hammered it wit a stone untill it broke open. This morning I killed and ate another one, I am becoming a real professional at opening coconuts. With a woman from another yacht we walked up the Indian River carrying my dinghy. Normally you have to pay 20 Easy dollars [ East Carribean dollars] to have someone take you up the river. Since we started on our trek at 5:30 in the morning there was no one to pick us up. This is where Pirates of the Carribean 2 was set, but the house has been demolished and all that is left is a bald spot of land. After paddling far up the river we walked for a while.Then we did a little rafting coming back down the river floating with the current. Accompanied by a native we wouldn’t have been as far up.We had lots of fun and it was all very beautiful with mega-size ferns and palm trees all around. And it was real nice to swim in fresh water, really refreshing!
Now I am back aboard Guppy, and soon I will go snorkeling and meet some more people, I am very busy. But I am well rested from my stay on Iles Des Saintes, so…