I stretch myself in the cockpit having been chased out by the sun-heated air inside the cabin. I still have no wind and the small engine is hard at work which also means that I can use the electric autopilot so the boat is running on its way, quietly upright … and that is the good side to it. But I would rather enjoy going under sails anyway… But why is the sun so very hot?! Earlier as I was in the galley making breakfast for myself a whiff of bad air assailed me and it just got worse when I opened… the fridge door. Oh no not again! And yes, again I had forgotten something in the switched-off fridge…for some days now. The last time it happened the odor was coming from a cucumber that could barely be recognized as one anylonger – but this time the fridge victims were ham slices. Oh well… There is still no wind so my trusty engine tuff-tufts on as I keep moving in the cockpit from a shady spot to the other. Ans so crawls by the days waiting for…