We had a nice 20 knots wind today that pulled Guppy at a good 6,5 knots towards the horizon. My Christmas gift was the sun shining all day but the sky is getting cloudy again. Still I enjoyed having a day without heavy clouds and rain. Sadly, I cannot say the same about the waves… Even though they are no higher than three meters they are very steep and scome from the side… Anyway cooking a five course meal at sea is something of a challenge and in any case because of the sea conditions I’ll just have to fall back on a very simple Christmas Dinner made out of canned food and that is fine with me – a simple Christmas is a great Christmas to me. This way I don’t have to go visit the family and be sooo kind to everyone, I don’t have to eat dinner, even a good one, if I don’t feel like it just to be polite and what about all that talking, talking… Here Guppy is a very good listener and she never contradicts me 😉 , I can eat whatever and whenever I want, and I don’t have to go for visits anywhere, but here with my little Christmas tree with its lights on, my Santa Claus cap and the Christmas garlands and all that is the perfect Christmas ambience for me anyway. 😀