After a quiet breakfast eating an egg in the cockpit and having done my schoolwork, I went ashore. From the day before yesterday, when I was ashore, I already knew a little about how it would look. The houses are small and low and they are often painted in light and beige colors. Furthermore everything is typically French, the language also and all is paid in Euros. You can’t find the usual bread here, but only baguette and croissants in abundance. I do not find it that bad since those are much tastier. I am laying directly off a little village where a ferry makes the connection to Guadeloupe. Because of that, it is just very highly frequented and touristy. However, it is nice just to be in the midts of it. It is much better than just nothing going on. Today I really did not make the effort to go any further nor any faster exploring. The day before yesterday, I walked to the opposite side of the island, a shortest distance to the southern part. There was a beach full of palm trees, very beautiful and there weren’t many people around, maybe three except for me. Today it rained some more. In the Netherlands everyone runs inside if it rains. Here, everyone runs outside to collect water to take a shower or to clean the boat.