The wind has come back a little and Guppy is doing 5 knots again. We’re just over halfway, with 1490 miles still to go. I love the mornings out here since the temperature is still really nice then, and you can see the day coming. I saw a huge fin which turned out to be two orcas–or at least I think it was two orcas because I just saw black and a little white under water and it was just really really huge. They were so big I was stunned for about half an hour. Definitely really cool. Bruno is still sleeping which he does for most of the day. Bruno comes alive more at night when I want to sleep, so that works 😛 Kiwi is also mostly active and really hyper at night which doesn’t work out quite so well since she loves jumping on my tummy. Bruno is getting a little bored and wants to see land again but I still love it out here. I’m also looking forward to the Marquesas and French Polynesia again but time out here is good too. Life is simple and the sailing is easy. I’m actually really happy with it.