With Henk we tried to reanimate my ICOM 700 Pro SSB radio. He has exactly the same, and as a test we installed it in place of mine – and it worked just fine! So what is not working is not my antenna tuner or anything with my installation… But with my radio installed it still kept blowing its internal fuse, so there really is something wrong with it. So I had to give up my repair attempt and I will have to wait until I am in Darwin to get a new one… Still I enjoyed my Sunday tthat happens to be Saturday for most of the world. I went all around the bay in my dinghy, which brought me to a beautiful reef where I hurt my foot again… Taking shoes with me obviously seems to be the only thing I will never learn. But I am getting used to it by now, haha. Then later in the day it rained and I tried to catch some water. Tomorrow is a holiday here in Vava’u and probably that all the shops will be closed. This means that I will have to wait until Tuesday to make my purchases and food provisions for my next leg.