Just when I was hoping for the wind to weaken a little, Guppy got even more to play with… Clipped with a short safety tether I stood outside for a while to take in the view: the phosphorescent rolling crests of the waves, the stars, the small moon crescent, and the whistling sound of the stormy winds on a raging sea. It made me realize again how strong nature really is and what a small dot Guppy is on the ocean. Stil she keeps on against the winds and facing wave after wave, diving into each and shaking the water off, she keeps keeping on and on as if it was nothing to her. You may like the sea or you may hate the sea but you can never trust the sea.. Maybe this is why it is so interesting.. Guppy is still on a close tack but on a better course now. I have become very adept at rocking and rolling with the boat even though getting a good grip is at times almost impossible. But I am getting better at it which means less bruises on me – so far I count one strange goose egg on my head and a few dull colored tatoos on my legs, so it ain’t so bad..