The wind has finally weakened! It is even blowing form a better direction and pulling Guppy up to a nice speed so she is not heaving so much with the waves. For the first time in three weeks I saw a cargo ship today. It was far away and sailing in the opposite direction but just the same it was a sign of life on this empty ocean. When I was outside enjoying the nice weather without getting all wet, a big dolphin jumped srtaight out of a high wave. It was something really nice to see. I was hoping for more but it was just a one-time trick. This dolphin was the first living sea creature I have seen since I left Darwin and it really made my day. I still have about 1500 nautical miles left to go before I reach land, and as it seems they won’t be so easily granted… My cold Cola will have to wait for me a little longer then… After five weeks at sea I am doing well and Guppy is still a really good fighter.