While I was running along by the remaining atolls, the wind slowly began to pick up to a speed of about 30 knots [55 kilometres or 53 land miles an hour, force 7 on the Beaufort-scale]. The waves got higher and higher, and even before I was passed the very last atoll, I had to put two reefs in the main and hoisted the storm-jib. Everything that is still loose aboard is now lying on the boat’s low side… It is dark – the sky is deeply clouded while the water is heavily pouring over Guppy and me. I hope Mother Nature enjoyed that! Up to now, it looked like I would be arriving by day. But now that I am going much faster, it could be that I will already be there tomorrow evening! So, Guppy and I are now discussing about whether we should sail through the reef passage near Papeete by night… But right now I just feel like catching up on some sleep – if only that big ship hadn’t now appeared inside the radar’s detection range…