Sometimes I long to be at sea again, unfortunately I have to wait for the storm season to
be over because I really am not too eager for a hurricane encounter. Not that life here is
so bad, but surely, I feel the pressure to get going . OK, that is something I can always
control. Nevertheless, I have some choirs and duties, to do: school, mails, the Blog and
of course cleaning the boat, because such a “little” room easily can become a mess…
Furthermore, I go for many activities together with the people I meet, because I would
like to see as much of the island as I can while I am here. Along with them, I visited
some places on the island yesterday where I have not been so far. Especially the north
of the island is very beautiful. There is much vegetation and the little villages are nice to
walk through. Did you know that Gran Canaria, I really do not know how many years
ago, was once a Netherland territory for one week? That is what I heard from some
people yesterday. Tomorrow I will go diving in the company of an instructor. This sounds
so cool. Of course, I once went diving in a swimming pool back in the Netherlands, but
there were no fishes…I am really looking forward to it.
Today I went out eating with some people from the island at what they call a restaurant
here but in the Netherlands, it would be called a gin mill [ a pub or tavern ]. I found it
really great, not so touristy and with a good view of the sea. The people I went eating
with hand crafted a necklace especially for me, which is so beautiful. It features the
Guppy on my boat’s bow with her name above it.
In this restaurant, there were countless roaming cats running loose and the meal was
great. Mostly fish. We had also some typical Spanish dishes whose names I already
have forgotten. My Spanish is still not so good, because it is such a difficult language,
Meanwhile, all the bananas have mellowed, thank you for all the tips on what to do with
them. I already made a few banana milkshakes from them and it was very tasty. Well,
that was too much writing for a day, I’ll keep the rest for tomorrow!