I was kept busy all morning because of shifting winds coming in with a few squalls and rain.That made for a very entertaining course line on my plotter. Then the dark clouds finally disappeared and late in the day the air became sweltering hot, so hot that I had to spend most of my time sitting in the shadow, as Iistened to music and worked on my book which I find is a great way to spend time. Guppy is doing great and we only have 3200 nautical miles left to go until we sail over the finish line in Sint Maarten. But before that happens, first we have to cross the equator and go through the ‘doldrums’ [Intertropical Convergence Zone 5° south and 5° north of the Equator] which are getting nearer as I can tell by the heat. In the southern latitude between 18 and 15 degrees South the temperature was perfect, but now it slowly is getting much too hot for Guppy and I…