Guppy is now lying at anchor in a quiet bay near Atuona, and I did the crossing in 17 days and 22 hours! This is the same time I needed to cross the Atlantic Ocean but there were about 800 nautical miles more to go! [1481 kilometres or 921 land miles]. When I sailed into the bay, many of the yacht crews looked very much surprised to see me since they were not expecting me so soon. Some of the yachts that had left two days ahead of me still had not arrived! Yeah, Guppy you are the best! Hiva Oa really is very high, and next to me there is a mountain whose top I cannot even see! That is why it rains a lot over here, so I am very busy now with catching water and cleaning the boat. I did not go ashore yet, it is just odd enough for me now to be looking at land.. But I have to go ashore today since I still have to clear customs.