Well, after a very enjoyable day on Norfolk we are out at sea again. So we are all cleared in and out of Norfolk island, with a stamp in my, but most importantly Daniel’s passport this time 🙂 as that belong to the same procedure and is done at the same time. I have not often experienced such easy clearance! Custom hoped on board looked at the clearance of our last port and stamped our passports, later he did call again on the vhf though to ask for our passport details as he had forgotten to write them down. Daniel went ashore first, so I could stay on Guppy and watch the anchor as there is no any good anchorages around here. If he comes back I go onshore. A local actually gave us separately ( as one of us always had to stay on Guppy) a little tour of his island. Very friendly people on a beautiful small island. So far I can see the island looks very green and empty except for the many pine trees covering the wavy hills. Oh, and I almost forgot, Guppy met another Guppy! The boat that dropped of the customs guy, is also called Guppy and talking to the locals here we discovered that there is another 2 boats called Guppy on this island. Isn’t that funny?! We are at 29.10S 168.11E now, doing 3.5kn on a starboard tack. So not great progress but pretty much all I can get out of her now. Sailing nearly full sail.