I am back in Sint Maarten and now I will again focus on my big adventure
within all my mini-adventures. I have not quite decided about when I will
depart and where I will go to, but I think I will leave within one week and then I
will head for the Îles des Saintes and the island of Dominica. I would like to
have a more closer look at those islands once more. Before I sail off, first I will
have to clean Guppy’s bottom hull for there is quiet a bit of growth under the
hull below the water line, and Guppy wil not go as fast if this is not removed. It
was amazing to see Guppy again. Actually, I had found it quite disturbing to
leave her behind for ten days. Well, I found her neatly lying at berth here as
though I had not been away for more than ten minutes. It is nice to be on
board of Guppy again, nevertheless, sailing with the “Stad Amsterdam” was
also really cool.