The wind died down a little yesterday which was perfect, because itmeant that we went through the pass of Rangiroa this morning, whichwasn’t bad at all. We came at a perfect time, with no swell or hugecurrent against us. It was awesome. Now we’re anchored near the littleairport close by our friends on Wet Lady, a 46-foot ketch. They leftone day before us so we were really surprised to not see them in thelagoon when we arrived. But then they came in just three hours later.Meanwhile, Bruno and I went ashore and checked out the little village.The little houses look quite nice and easy to build, which I like alot. Rangiroa itself is huge. I can’t even see the other side of theatoll from here. But it seems like a nice peaceful place where we willprobably stay for a bit before heading towards Tahiti.