We’ve had an awesome day!! Because the stranded sailor we went to the waterfall with yesterday is away for two weeks, we could borrow his car. But not before he had taken a photo of me with the car. Yes, indeed with his “wreck of a car”, wha-ha!! With a girlfriend from another yacht we drove all over the island and we almost reached the eastern point of the smaller island. It was so beautiful, just awesome. However, when we drove up one hill the engine’s cooling water overheated and suddenly started boiling, but we managed to go downhill to a gas station just in time. We had to keep on refilling cooling water every 20 km [12,5 land miles] for the rest of the day. It is very expensive over here, everything costs twice or three times as much than in the Netherlands. This is not too surprising if you keep in mind that everything has to be delivered by airplane or boat. When we came back walking, I was so lost in conversation that I did not pay attention and… splash! Of course everyone in the harbour started laughing, and so we went swimming right there. Actually, it was just great to wash off the heat of the day after this long tour by car. Tonight I have an invitation, and this time to a mega sailing yacht of 40 meters [131 feet] lengths! I met its crew yesterday at the barbecue, and so they invited me today.