The Rollercoaster is in full swing now… but happily we did not do any loop-the-loops so far and I am feeling pretty good actually. Althought I can’t figure out what could be funny about being brutally bounced around, all salty-soaked and heading in the wrong direction at 3,5 knots, but…the sun is shining! Maybe I am slowly going nuts here but it just makes me laugh now each time another wave comes splashing all over. The anemometer did not drop below 40 knots since last night with ‘Gup’ going under storm-jib only. Sailing close hauled in 8 meters tall phosphorescent waves with the wind whistling in the rigging is quite an amazing experience. It does make me realize how powerful nature is, and Guppy just rumbles right through, that is really cool! At times ‘Gup’ goes over the top of a wave, drops several meters down on the other side to hit the bottom with a sickening thud, and then bravely takes on the next wave… If this is to last a few more days I am sure there won’t be much fun left to it any longer. But so far so good, and apart from the salty toilet water that flooded my wardrobe-closet, a snapped cable and a broken pulley on the windvane a short while later, everything is going well. I fixed all this, so now it would seem that the worst is behind us..