We had a fast and lovely crossing from Norway to Vlieland, the first day was upwind but the waves didn’t build to much and Guppy plowed ahead majestically under full sail. We had some rain and thunder as a front passed over us which was expected, some light winds and then finally the expected windshift. We would have one day of 15 knots beam reach and knew we needed to make the most of it to arrive in Vlieland before the weather turned again, so we hoisted all sails and made nice speed. Arriving in Vlieland just before the wind shifted against us again and strengthened remarkably. As we had stopped in Vlieland on the way out as well this was full circle for us and it felt strange being here. The teens didn’t want to be reminded of how little time there was left onboard and frequently burst out in tears realising they would have to miss their newly made friends and all our adventures would be over soon, but of course not forgotten. Arriving is always such a bittersweet thing. We made the most out of our last days, exploring Vlieland by bike, swimming and sailing the last miles under clear blue skies and warm sun. For our last meal together everyone made something they liked and we shared different kinds of food while recalling the adventures we had had.
And now we have come to the end of another beautiful, amazing, adventurous, educational and successful journey. We have seen and learned so many new things again. And as always it was hard to see everyone go off again. The last days we laughed, cried and shared stories. For us it’s now time to clean, scrub, wash and get Guppy ready for our upcoming summer camp next week!